Objectives and Grant Support Categories

The Charity’s legal objects set out in its trust deed are widely drawn. Within those objects, broadly speaking, we tend to support (in no particular order):

  • Causes where the grant will make a significant difference
  • Causes which support the welfare of personnel who belong or have belonged to the Company’s military and other affiliations
  • Causes introduced by members of the Company and causes in which Company members are involved
  • Causes related to education for all ages, with a focus on core enabling skills such as financial literacy, numeracy, literacy and digital skills
  • Causes that will increase social mobility and alleviate poverty in respect of children and youth in need
  • Causes which are associated with the accountancy profession, the City or the Livery
  • We look kindly on projects related to disadvantaged children and youth. We generally do not support causes which relate solely to a single religion (apart from City places of worship), political causes, animal welfare or medical support. We are unlikely to support individuals, other than via post-graduate bursaries for ICAEW members seeking to develop careers as university teachers. We are unlikely to support sporting events, other than those which have a particularly relevant objective, for example sport for handicapped children. Whilst there is no geographic restriction, causes supported usually operate primarily in England and Wales.

Beyond Food Foundation, recipient of the Major Project Award 2023-26

Flt Lt Billington – winner of the 47 Squadron Sword of Honour for being selected as their Young Officer of the Year

Click below to read more about the Livery Charity, their achievements, and plans for the future in their latest newsletters to members

The Charity provides support within four main categories:

1. Major Project funding of a total of up to £225,000 or more awarded to a lead charity, chosen from candidate charities recommended by Company members. Such major funding will be intended to continue for up to three years. Ideally such support will be mainly directed to a project or projects to which the Company’s funding will make a real difference and will lead to a tangible outcome.

We will provide either capital or revenue support, as appropriate, and look favourably on innovation. The Trustees only make formal commitments year by year, on the basis of regular progress reports received.

We look particularly favourably on projects which will enable direct involvement of Company members. For information on projects to date, visit the “Major Project Awards” screen.

2. Single donations of typically up to £3,000 to charities introduced by members of the Company, after they have undertaken appropriate diligence. The Trustees believe strongly that it is important that the introducing Company member(s) should be personally involved in the project or organisation concerned. The Trustees will want to know that the Company’s contribution will make a difference and will support a tangible outcome.

3. Recurring support for the Company’s affiliated military and cadet units – Royal Marines Poole (SBS Association), 47 Squadron Royal Air Force, Harrow and Wembley Sea Cadets and Dartmouth RNC. Our support is always directed towards the welfare of personnel and families and the provision of non-military equipment.

4. Recurring support, usually of modest amount, for a number of charities connected with and supported by the City. Further information can be found by visiting the “Support for our City” screen.