How to Apply for a Grant

Causes that we support

Most of the causes that we support will be funded within recognised UK charities – but all will fall within our own charitable objects. Within these objects the Trustees tend to support (in no particular order):

  • Causes where the grant will make a significant difference
  • Causes which support the welfare of personnel who belong or have belonged to the Company’s military and other affiliations
  • Causes introduced by members of the Company and causes in which Company members are involved
  • Causes related to education for all ages, with a focus on core enabling skills such as financial literacy, numeracy, literacy and digital skills
  • Causes that will increase social mobility and alleviate poverty in respect of children and youth in need
  • Causes which are associated with the accountancy profession, the City or the Livery

There is no geographic restriction but most causes supported will operate within England and Wales. Grants will typically be in the range of £250 to £3,000. The exception is our Major Project Award currently £75,000 per annum for three years (next award in 2026).

We will only support registered charities or other organisations whose governance and approach to safeguarding is in order and which are solvent, with Charity Commission and Companies House filings, as appropriate, submitted on time. Where members of the Company not only support an application, but have knowledge of the applicant, we see this as a key part of our decision-making due diligence.

We do not in general support causes that promote a single religion, political causes, animal welfare or medical research. We are unlikely to support individuals or sporting events.

Procedure for considering applications

Applications should be submitted on the accompanying GRANT APPLICATION FORM. No further information should be submitted, other than annual accounts or a safeguarding policy if appropriate. The Trustees may choose to access further information in the public domain.

At an agreed future date, the Trustees will contact those charities who receive a grant about what has been achieved, so this can be celebrated in our annual report, on our website, etc.

Any queries about the application process should be sent to the Clerk to the Charity on

The Trustees’ meet four times each year, with the deadline for applications being two-weeks before each meeting:

Application Deadline: Monday 28 April 2025
Meeting date: Monday 19 May 2025

Application Deadline: Monday 25 August 2025
Meeting Date: Monday 15 September 2025

Application deadline: January 2026
Meeting date: January 2026

Application Deadline: March 2026
Meeting Date: March 2026