Bank of England Lunch 2024
Bank of England Lunch 2024
THE CURRENT ECONOMIC OUTLOOK - The view from the Bank of England Speaker Rob Elder – Bank of England Agent Bank of England Agents are shadowy figures who each "farms their patch", talking constantly and discretely to businesses large and small, to see how the economy is doing from their perspective, what the pinch points are and also the threats and opportunities. The Agents then convert all this raw information into considered intelligence, which is fed back into the Bank's assessment process, for a whole range of policy decisions. Agents do not talk publicly about their work, but we have friends in low places, and so are delighted to welcome Rob Elder back to CAH once again, to speak to a small number of us, strictly under the Chatham House Rule, to give the Bank of England’s view on the economic year ahead. We are in a period of turmoil and fluctuation, with elections in both the UK and USA, coupled with the ongoing crises in the Middle East and the Ukraine war, which are all resulting in major trends and changes across Europe. There is thus much to hear about from the Bank of England, and shrewd questions to be asked of Bob. Especially if you haven't been before, this is not an event not be missed, and very much one for "the bucket list"! We meet in the Members Room at 1.15pm, and the meeting and meal will finishing at about 3.30pm. Date: Tuesday 22 October Time: 1.15pm - 3.30pm Tickets: £68.50 to include a two-course lunch and a glass of wine