Trustees and Contact


The Company’s Almoner, a Company Officer and Court Assistant, often a Past Master, is chair of the Trustees. The current Almoner is Beverley Turner. The current Master is usually a Trustee for their year of office, so Kevin Parry (Master 2023-24) is currently in this role.

The trust deed requires there to be at least three Trustees, but sets no maximum number. All Trustees are Liverymen, appointed by the Court, who carry out their work on a pro bono basis. The Charity’s day-to-day administration is undertaken by the Clerk to the Trustees.


It is established practice that in addition to the Master and Almoner, the Court appoints two Trustees from its own number and, after seeking applicants, appoints four further Trustees who, at the time of their appointment, are not Court Assistants.

The Almoner and Trustees are normally appointed for a term of three years, once renewable. However, it may sometimes be appropriate for a Trustee whose service is partly as a member of Court and partly before joining the Court, to serve a third period.

The Current board of Trustees is as follows:

Almoner and Chair of Trustees:
Beverley Turner

Kevin Parry

Court Assistants:
Neeraj Kapur
David Matthews
Steve Maslin

Susan Field
Peter Jenkins
Sally O’Neill
David Watson

Photos of the Trustees can be seen under The Company drop-down, on the Leadership screen.


Any queries about the Charity should be sent to the
Clerk to the Charity, Clare Ferrar on

The Chartered Accountants’ Livery Charity is registered under number 327681.