About ten years ago, a group of judges and barristers were chatting idly about how to raise some limited funds for a prison charity, and some bright spark had the idea of putting on an evening of amateur dramatics in the world-famous No 1 Court at Old Bailey. Devised by then Judge, His Honour Peter Rook KC, who was based there, the first year was pretty modest in scale, but since then the whole mad enterprise has taken on a life of its own. These days, leading City figures fight to be allowed to humiliate themselves in front of an appreciative (and pretty well-oiled, thanks to the drinks beforehand) audience of City Civic and legal folk.
All profits from the evening go to the Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund (helping prison leavers), the Elizabeth Fry Charity (giving women a second chance) and the Schools Consent Project (lawyers teaching the legal definition of consent in secondary schools, to reduce offending rates).
This year the Master is leading a party of up to ten to the Wednesday, 19th March performance (Doors open at 6pm, drinks reception from 6.15pm, curtain up at 7pm, and an end around 8.30pm.), and then on to a light supper afterwards in a nearby restaurant. This is British eccentricity at its most entertaining and you are warmly encouraged to join him – guest are very welcome. (Due to the architectural oddities of Old Bailey and the layout of No 1 Court, this event is probably not suitable for those with mobility issues.)
Tickets to the show cost £70 each, and then those who wish to stay on for the supper will share their restaurant bill.