This year’s Spring Dinner will take place on the walkways on the iconic Tower Bridge on Wednesday 30 April.
This amazing venue is seldom available, and when it is us usually eye-waveringly expensive, simply because there are no facilities on site and so everything, from food and drink, right down to the last teaspoon, has to be brought in. However, by dint of much begging and calling in of favours (Step forward Liveryman James Thomson, who is a senior Common Councillor in the City. We are all most grateful.), it was possible to secure both a date and a just-about-feasible set of numbers. (£199 per person, but hopefully you will feel this is at least partly offset by the price reductions that we managed for the first two Dinners of this Livery year, and that this is a rather special opportunity.)
As a result, we are holding this year’s Spring Dinner on the recently-glassed-in Upper Walkways of the Bridge.
The drinks reception will start at 6.30pm, when we will all take the lift of to the top of the Bridge and enjoy a drinks reception and the views down-river from inside the eastern Upper Walkway. Then at 7pm, we will walk through one of the twin towers, and into the up-river walkway, to dine looking out towards the Houses of Parliament.
The Bridge’s Director is going to come and tell us about the Bridge and the challenges of actually running this working piece of our nation’s history, and then we will dine. There will be entertainment and then after the meal we will hear from Colonel Max, who is responsible for the safety of the many thousands of UK diplomatic and consular staff and their families who represent our country and serve our interests overseas. His team’s role is vast and multi-facetted and much of what he will impart may surprise us.
As always, guests are most welcome, though our fine Clerk may have to have a quiet word with any Member proposing to bring their entire golf club membership!
This year the Common Hall (AGM for members) will take place at Chartered Accountants’ Hall on Monday 12 May.
Click here for more details:
Drinks: 6.30pm
Dinner: 7pm
Carriages: 10.30pm
Dress: Black Tie or Livery Uniform, with badges and decorations.
Tickets: £199
Please book online if possible – this will give you the best chance of securing tickets.
If unable to book online, then please contact Clare Ferrar on