As a Thank You for a Chartered Accountants’ Livery Charity grant, St Paul’s Music Department are offering you front-row seats to the Orchstral Mass on Sunday 22 June 2025, followed by a Drinks Reception in the Chapter House.
Step into the awe-inspiring grandeur of St. Paul’s Cathedral and experience St Paul’s main Sunday morning service with music from City of London Sinfonia. Orchestral masses blends timeless liturgy with transcendent musical artistry, featuring a full orchestra and world-class choir.
Sung Eucharist is the high point of weekly worship at St Paul’s, engaging the senses with sound, colour and movement. This service includes choral and orchestral music, hymn singing, and a sermon.
During the service, the congregation will be invited to share in the bread and wine. If you receive communion in your own church, you are welcome to receive communion at St Paul’s. If you do not normally receive communion, you are invited to come forward and receive a blessing.
You do not have to be a practicing member of the Church of England to attend the Eucharist. If you are unfamiliar with the service, you can pick up an easy-to-follow order of service at the beginning, which will guide you through each part. Visit St Paul’s guidance on attending services at St Paul’s for more information on what to expect.
Date: Sunday 22 June 2025
Time: 11.15am
Followed by a drinks reception in the Chapter House, then an optional lunch nearby
Tickets: No charge for the Mass and Drinks
Just pay for what you have at lunch.
Music: Mozart’s Coronation Mass Missa brevis in C (KV 257) “Große Credo-messe”