Giving to charity is part of being a Livery Company member, so most of our members are annual donors under Gift Aid to our Charity. Annual donations are now arranged by way of direct debit, using GoCardless.
Donations and Legacies

The Charity’s Gift Aid declaration is available to download from the link or by contacting the Almoner at If you wish to arrange a regular monthly or annual gift, please also contact the Almoner.

Annual donations of course are intended to be spent annually, on grants. Quite separately, over the years we have been fortunate to receive legacies from the estates of past loyal members – going straight to our endowment fund.
Recently we have received generous legacies from Liveryman Stanley Samwell, Past Master and Past Clerk Gordon Kingsmill, Liveryman and Honorary Court Assistant John Clemes, Past Master Sir Douglas Morpeth, and Past Master and Past Almoner Michael Renshall. Michael’s family also named our Charity as a beneficiary of donations in his memory, so that Michael’s total in memoriam gift to our endowment was probably the largest ever received. We most recently received legacies from Liverymen Reg Keel and Fernand Duchezeau, the former Finance Director of Milletts. We are most grateful to all these old friends.
Members, and indeed friends within the Institute, are always encouraged to remember the Livery’s Charity in their will. Please contact the Almoner, at for a codicil format with the appropriate words.