Tour of Guildhall Art Gallery and the Roman Amphitheatre underneath

Guildhall Gresham Street, London, United Kingdom

We are all familiar with the Art Gallery on Guildhall Yard, because we pass through it on our way to big City Civic events - and the cloakroom and loos are in the basement! However, few of us have had the time to take a proper look round, much less with an expert guide to explain its history and point out some of the key paintings and other exhibits. Even fewer of us know that underneath the Art Gallery (which, by the way, has a HUGE and ever-growing collection, including one of the original Magna Cartas) is a large Roman amphitheatre, which occupied most of what is now the site of Guildhall Yard and the Great Hall. This was one of the centre-pieces of Roman Londinium, and the venue for countless gladiatorial contests, pageants and other displays. Some 2,000 years after they were built, few such amphitheatres survive in the UK and this is the only one which is so intact. It is also the only one to which the public can gain access - albeit by dint of much begging! We have been granted that privilege, but only for a maximum of 25 people, because the fabric of the arena has to be preserved from the tread of countless feet. So hurry and book up to two of the limited number of places (Capacity means Members can bring just one guest each.) for a ninety-minute visit, meeting our guide at Guildhall's West Wing entrance at 6pm. We will start with a tour of the Gallery and then descend underground and walk out onto the sand of the arena, slipping back in history over two millennia, to stand where countless battles were fought and some of our City's historic foundations were cast. After the tour, you are free to head...

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Get Tickets £24.00 17 tickets left

Court and Trustees’ Consorts Dinner

Army and Navy Club 36 - 39 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom

This annual event is open to Members and former Members of Court and to the Trustees of our Charity, plus their Consorts. The evening provides an opportunity for everyone to socialise together and most importantly, to discuss issues surrounding our Company's and Charity's governance, fundraising and grant making. The speaker is usually someone who can add to such discussions. This year, the Dinner is being held at the Army and Navy Club at the western end of Pall Mall, and our guest speaker will be the CO of our newest military affiliate. After the meal, the Colonel will address us on the welfare challenges that he and his SLT face in relation to their soldiers, many of whom are quite young. Dress for the evening is black tie or livery uniform, and invitations will go out shortly to those eligible to attend. Places are priced up and invoiced after the event, once all the costs are known.

Private tour of the Tower of London and Ceremony of the Keys

Tower of London St Katherine's & Wapping, London, United Kingdom

When Duke William of Normandy won the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and marched north to London, he struck a deal with the Masters of the then Guilds to protect the City in return for their fealty. The first evidence of that protection was King William I's construction and manning of what became known as the White Tower, to guard London from Viking raiding parties coming up the Thames. Today, that Tower stands in the middle of the much larger Royal fortress and palace; the Tower of London. Every night, the Tower is locked up and made secure in what has become known as the Ceremony of the Keys. That ceremony is open to small parties to watch, by kind permission of the Governor of the Tower. We have been granted this privilege, and also a private tour of the Tower itself, led by a Yeoman Warder. For security reasons, our party is limited to 50 people and we will all need to be at the main entrance to the Tower on its west side by 7.15pm, so the Warders and soldiers can check the attendance list prior to our admission. Once inside, a Yeoman Warder will lead us on a private tour of the silent fortress for about an hour, answering our questions along the way, before taking us the "The Keys", the Warders' private pub. There, we can have a drink and join in a raffle for various Tower-related souvenirs. For historical reasons to do with transactions on military bases and inside Royal palaces (The Tower is both.), both the bar and the raffle operate on a cash-only basis, so remember to bring some notes with you. Then, we will all be led back out into the dark to visit the famous ravens, and to watch the Ceremony...

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Get Tickets £49.00 38 tickets left

Carol Service at the Chapel Royal inside the Tower of London and Supper at Watermen’s Hall

Tower of London St Katherine's & Wapping, London, United Kingdom

As well as very kindly granting the Company a private tour of the Tower on 20th November, and ringside seats at that evening's Ceremony of the Keys, the Governor has also given us permission to hold this year's Carol Service in their Chapel Royal. The Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula stands in the north-east corner of the fortress and dates from the reign of King Henry VIII, but it is merely the latest church on the site, which has been holy ground since the Dark Ages. For those who wish to take a general tour beforehand and see the Crown Jewels, it has been agreed that we can buy tickets for entry between 3pm and 4pm, at a cost of £32 each. Then, once the Tower closes, rather than being asked to wait outside for the service, we are going to be allowed to have a drink in the Yeoman Warders' private pub, The Keys, until 6pm. (Note: this is a cash-only bar.) Members and their guests who do not wish to visit the Tower of London before the Carol Service need to come to the main entrance on the western side of the fortress at 6pm.   At 6pm, everyone will led up to the Chapel Royal and given a talk on its history and present day role. The service itself will begin at 6.30pm and should last about an hour. The cost of attending the service (which goes towards the choir etc) is £28.         After the service, Members and their guests can either leave for home, or walk to Watermen's Hall, seven minutes away, for canapés and drinks, with a Christmas theme, the cost of which is £49 per person.     Tower of London, Crown Jewels, The Keys pub 3pm-6pm £32 (plus...

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Get Tickets £28.00 – £109.00