
tough mudder

There are about 150 Livery Companies and Guilds scattered across the UK, with the largest concentration being the nearly 120 based in the City of London. Their members generally join for life, subject to medical/welfare issues.

Active since the late Norman period, as trade-promotion, welfare and charitable organisations, today their nearly 50,000 members focus primarily on fundraising and other support for good causes.

Annual grants typically exceed £75m, routinely putting the City’s Liveries and Guilds sixth in the list of UK grant-making bodies, and that excludes the many thousands of hours of personal time and pro-bono support, which their Members also provide.

Only members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales can join the Chartered Accountants’ Livery Company. ICAEW Chartered Accountants who are interested in joining the Company should contact the Clerk who can introduce the Company and explain more about becoming a member.

 There are two levels of members, Freeman and Liverymen.


The Good Liveries Do

Freeman of the Company

For almost all new Members, entry is gained by way of “Redemption”, for which the initial step is by completing an Application Form, which is done online by following the link below.


Why ICAEW Members Join Us


Membership Application Form

Annual Reptiles lunch group

Occasionally, however, a Freeman is admitted by “Patrimony”. This is available to a child of a Freeman or Liveryman of the Company and of the City of London who is a member of the ICAEW and who was born when the Freeman parent had already received the Freedom of the City.

Whichever route is taken, the same form is used and the application to become a Freeman is normally supported by one or two Liverymen of the Company, although applications made without a proposer or seconder are also considered. Interviews may be held by members of the Court of Assistants. Applicants who come forward without a sponsoring Liveryman are welcome but are often given a mentor to help integrate them into the Company.

Applications for Freemen are approved by the Court of Assistants. Having been elected by the Court and paid the annual subscription (called Quarterage), the applicant becomes a Freeman of the Company.


Liveryman of the Company

Freemen are generally considered for advancement to the Livery of the Company after a period of at least two years of active membership, during which the Freeman should have attended Company events and made financial contributions to the Company’s charity. However, before asking to be considered, Freeman must first apply for and be granted the Freedom of the City of London. This is done via the Chamberlain’s Court at the City of London Corporation.

The process involves the presentation of certain documents at an interview and then culminates in a short, but very enjoyable ceremony at a later time and date, which is agreed at the interview stage.


Whilst there is no maximum to the number of Freemen the Company may have, the Livery is limited by the Court of Aldermen to 350 people. Once they have obtained the Freedom of the City, it is open to any Freeman of the Company to ask the Court to consider their advancement to the Livery, but inevitably there is pressure on places.

Becoming a Liveryman is evidenced by the clothing ceremony when a member takes the oath and is traditionally ‘clothed’ with the Livery of the Company. The new Liveryman is then introduced to the Master, Wardens, and the members of the Court before being welcomed at a Livery dinner.

Red Cros day

By happy accident of history, our Company is the only one of the City of London’s over 110 Liveries which is still permitted to wear a Livery uniform at formal events. This is a maroon jacket, in a variety of styles to suit men and women, which all Liverymen are encouraged to wear, most usually these days at black tie events.

In terms of further advancement within the Company, only a Liveryman can become a Court Assistant, vote at the Company’s annual general meeting or vote in the Common Hall of the City of London at Guildhall, where the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs are elected.