The Company were privileged to hold their Winter Dinner in the Strangers’ Dining Room of the House of Commons in February. 

At this year’s dinner, members heard fundraising appeals from two wonderful causes presented by their fellow Freemen, and gave generously as a result! 

After a delicious dinner, there was also a fantastic concert by the IDA Girls, who delighted attendees with some classics that even ended with a singalong. 


We Are

The City of London Livery Company for Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales members. We promote the UK as a place to do business, participate in the City’s governance, raise funds for our charity, support the profession and enjoy each other’s company.

Members of the Institute can contact the Clerk to discuss applying for membership. The Company’s Royal Charter allows two grades: Liverymen and Freeman, who both enjoy largely the same rights, bar certain historic ones, which primarily relate to elections.

Personal merit, a willingness to be collegiate and support the profession and the City of London, and a pleasant personality are what the Company asks of applicants. Applicants are expected to make a commitment to give financial support to the Company’s related charity.

The Company has four principal activities:

  • Fundraising for Good Causes: To raise funds for the related charity from Members and make distributions to a range of good causes.
  • Support for the City of London: To contribute to the governance and objectives of the City of London Corporation, and also provide expert input to the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and Corporation of London.
  • Support for our Profession: To promote the values and objectives of the accountancy profession, to nurture leadership and to influence the broader business debate.
  • Promoting Fellowship: To socialise with each other and with members of other Livery Companies, cooperating on the above aims.